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A national registry, based within the NHS Wessex Secure Data Environment, which collects and links care pathway information on ill and injured patients patients.



Maintaining health, improving care

Data Collection

We collect and link patient information for their whole care pathway. These data are anonymised and then can be used to inform quality improvement of patient care and for research. 

Research Collaboration

We collaborate with healthcare professionals and research institutions to conduct studies to:

  • Prevent disease

  • Develop treatments

  • Improve Health



Our intent

The PRANA registry intends to enable data from critically ill and injured patients’ whole care pathways (from moment of recognition of illness or injury onwards) and those involved in road traffic collisions to be utilised to improve understanding of disease, improve diagnosis and treatments, reduce risk for patients and clinicians, enable future service planning and improvement, evaluate the effectiveness of health policy, identify targets for disease prevention and inform prevention of injury and illness.

Our Research Partners

The PRANA programme is hosted within the Wessex Secure Data Environment.

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Get In Touch

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our work, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



Wessex Secure Data Environment

Clinical Informatics Research Unit

University Hospital Southampton

Tremona Road

SO16 6YD

Thank You For Contacting Us!

© PRANA - pathway data for improving  health

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